Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Well todays the big day. Im nervous. they moved my appt up tp 9:30. My family got together last night and had a nice talk about how we are going to deal with this as a familky. Taking the stress out of my life and having only positivity surround me as I go thru these treatments. I appreciated that. helped me feel less alone in this. we explained what it is without trying to scare them, my girls. They have their busy lives and I have been trying to protect them from this. They dont want to be protected, they want to know everything involved, even offering to come today for my shots. That was comforting. I know they cant do anything but listen, but thats enough for me. wish me luck! Thanks girls if you are sneaking a peek at this! Luv Mom


  1. Whatever you ask for in Prayer with faith you will receive.
    Matthew 21:22

    Thoreau once said, "There is no remedy for love, but to love more. Daughters are the best gift we could have. My daughter has been a great support throughout my journey as well. In fact, I could not live without her. I am so glad yours came home to comfort you. I wish you wellness and bountiful blessings. I know you will do great todya!



  2. Ok, "todya" and Keke times three? My laptop has a mind of it's own! LOL! =)

  3. I am glad it all went well today. I got your message around 1:00, left my phone in the car while we were at Joey's meet & greet for his new class.

    Call me - don't want to wake you up. K
