Monday, November 9, 2009

I had a break through night! I slept 12 hrs, got up for meds only ONCE! and had 30 minutes of no movement when I woke up. I think its the extra Cymbalta is finally kicking in or I was exhausted. whatever I will take it! I hope tonight is this good! Yea me and the yea to the Drs!

1 comment:

  1. Oh Shari, I'm so sorry to hear your having such a hard time! I was hoping that your rest from blog world was ONLY because you were playing with your grandbabies and partying with your girlfriends...I didn't realize you were still shaking, I thought that had gone away with botox...I'm glad your going for the DBS, it sounds scary but if I were in your shoes I think I would do the same. My Dystonia is at a stand still, not better, not worse, I've called a new Dr. in Sacramento, he currently treats 90 patients with CD so we'll see if he leaves me with more hope than the last. As much as I am grateful to Dr. B and as far as she has gotten me, I couldn't continue to see someone who tells me no cause, no cure every time I see her, and she got too impatient with all of my questions. I found a new med clinic in the Carolina's, I sent you a link in your email, thinking about going there but honestly I'm weary from the search for cure. At the same time, don't have a choice do we, less we wave the white flag and cry uncle! I suspect that won't happen any day soon! Do or Die but never give up!!! I wish you wellness and hold you in my prayers!
    XO Keke
