Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Grandchild number 5 will be here tomorrow! Kyle Logan Graham. Im so excited but a little sad cause this one will prob, be my last! But can hold him an
d rock him now that the rest dont want to be held anymore! Wish us luck and prayers for Mommy and Baby all goes well! Love Shari!

Monday, November 9, 2009

I had a break through night! I slept 12 hrs, got up for meds only ONCE! and had 30 minutes of no movement when I woke up. I think its the extra Cymbalta is finally kicking in or I was exhausted. whatever I will take it! I hope tonight is this good! Yea me and the yea to the Drs!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Im a a bad blogger! Ive been so busy at Drs and babysitting Ive neglected my duties. Shands was a nightmare! 7 hours of rigorous Psych. testing. Things my brain hasnt done in 40 yrs! When I left I went back to my room and shook for 5 hours. Kipp drove up from Orlando about 2 hrs away and took me out for dinner. He knew I would climb into bed and not eat! The next day was 2 hrs Psychiatric testing, not so bad, and now Im Fast Tracked . meaning the 3 Drs Neuro, Psych and Psychiatric will decide what is the best course. They specialise in Deep Brain Stimulation for Movement disorders on top of CD. By coincidence the Neurosurgeon Dr Foote was having a seminar in Orlando so we went and met him. He said he would put me on the Dec list. they only decide once a month. I am so ready I would go today! The pain is bad cause the Botox has worn off. I sleep all afternoon now.Its not so scary looking. you are awake the whole time and they talk to you. They implant a wire and then 2 wks later they implant the chargers in your chest and hook them up. If I can give birth to 2 babies with no drugs I can do this. Nov 17 is Botox day Yea! and we are having a new grandson on Nov 12th so there are still blessings in my life! wish my daughter luck, this is #3 for her! Kyle Logan Graham! Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers! I really need them, Im going to do this if I get the okay! Im too young to be this sick! I have grandbabies to see grow up! They are what keeps me going! Love Shari